
Ever experienced coming off from a failed relationship and feeling extremely miserable. Feeling like you are totally incapable of being loved or being loved ever again. So bitter, angry and sad, all at the same time, at the person who brought this upon you.
A relation can fail for more than one reason or other although many times its incompatibility,  where you can never strike a chord with the person, no matter what you try. And then you often wonder what strung you together in the first place. And what follows is hollowness at having lost someone which never seems to leave.
While you may have physically let the person go, there are a whole lot of memories associated with the person that refuse to leave with them and are locked up deep within. So deep that, it's often difficult to even reach out to them. And this is terrifying and this is  unfortunately so normal.
And while there is no sure way of getting out of the pain and entering into the healing process, cause surely time does not heal all wounds. Atleast for many of us.  It surely helps to let go of the resentment that you may have built for and around the person. And maybe blaming them for the sadness that befell you. Bitterness can colour all the other beautiful memories black and this isn't really fair. On either of you.
The relation never worked because it was never meant to. We all are severely flawed and there is usually no point playing the blame game. Or bringing out the victim card. Cause no one can really ever understand, and maybe you wouldn't have a logical explanation for your self either.
There is solace in knowing that you are out of relation that caused distress and hampered your mental health. And that is your biggest winning.
And when you actually won, why leave on a bitter note?
The burden of hatred is too heavy a burden to carry and not really worth it.
Let go. In peace. There is still hope after devastation. Pick up your pieces and go. The journey is long and beautiful. And there will be rain. And a lot of it.


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