The topic of abrogation is a tricky one. If we, as Muslims do not research and equip our selves with proper knowledge, the allegations of the Kuffar can shaken our faith in the authenticity of the Quran, or to a lesser degree leave us perplexed.

I have represented a mock discussion between a non Muslim and Muslim below to help ANY LAYMAN understand the concept of Abrogation better.

An online discussion goes on as follows..

JOHN: Hey, Ahmed. I have been doing my own bit of research on Islam. I came across the concept of Abrogation, which I found really mindboggling. I hope you can sort it out for me.

AHMED: Sure, John. The Arabic word for abrogation is Naskh, which means removal or replacement of an old law with a new one.
Allah mentions in the Quran, Surah Baqarah Ayah 106 (Whatever verse do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it.)
Abrogation can occur only with prohibitions and permissions.

JOHN: The Muslims claim that not a letter from the Quran can be changed or will be ever changed. Therefore, I don’t understand how Naskh can take place.

AHMED: Yes, you are absolutely right John. We, Muslims are firm in our belief that not a letter has been changed from the Quran once, it was revealed and perfected and not a letter can change till the Day of Judgement.It is the unparalleled word of God. Allah,Himself has taken the responsibility of preserving the Quran from any kind of adulterations.
“Verily, I revealed the Quran and verily, I will preserve it “ (surah hijr,verse 9)
The Naskh took place during the time of revelation i.e. during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad. Only Allah ALONE had the authority to change any verse of the Quran. Even the prophet Muhammad has not been granted with the authority to do so.
“And if he(Muhammed(saws)) forged a false saying concerning Us(allah), We surely should have seized him by his right hand. And then certainly should have cut off his aorta. And none of you could withhold us from him.” (surah haqqah ,verse 45-47)
“And when our revelations were recited to them, those who do not wish to meet us said:-bring a Quran other than this or change it !” say “it is not for me to change it of my own accord. I merely follow what is inspired to me”.”
After the Quran was perfected and completed, and the Prophet passed away no one, not even scholars can abrogate the Quran.

JOHN: You, Muslims claim that Allah’s knowledge is perfect. Then why didn’t Allah see the flaws beforehand? Why was abrogation needed?

AHMED: Glory be to Allah! Allah’s knowledge is perfect and complete. There is no doubt to that. Abrogation was required to train the Muslims, to be able to accept the message in totality once the message of Islam was completed.
For e.g. alcohol was banned in stages. Had it been banned at the first instance, the Muslim community which was drowning in alcohol at that time, would face great hardship in leaving it. To make matters easier for them, the legislation regarding abandoning of alcohol was revealed in stages. First the Quran clarified that alcohol had more harm than benefit, then it prohibited praying in an intoxicated state and then it commanded it to abandon it altogether.
When the new law comes, it simply cancels out the earlier laws.
If you consider the fact that the Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years, in an environment, which was continuously changing, Naskh shouldn’t sound strange.

JOHN: Why do the abrogated verses exist, for e.g. the one about alcohol?
AHMED: There are three types of abrogation in the Quran.
1.abrogation of the ruling and wording
2.abrogation of the ruling but not the wording
3.abrogation of the wording but not the ruling
What you have questioned about relates to the second type of abrogation. This could be a way to teach the Muslims how to give Dawah. It teaches them, if such a situation arises, what should their strategy be. It also makes the Muslims aware of the wisdom and mercy of Allah.
JOHN: How would I know which verse is abrogated and which one is not?
AHMED: You cannot consider any verse as abrogated, unless it is specified by the Quran or sunnah,explicitly.
JOHN: I was just wondering, if the Naskh could have been due to confusion in the Prophets mind. As indeed memorizing the Quran is definitely a tedious task.

AHMED: No, John you got it All wrong there, buddy!
Firstly, the angel jibreel revised the Quran with the Prophet (saws).
'Gabriel used to repeat the recitation of the Qur'an with the Prophet once a year, but he repeated it twice with him in the year he (Prophet) died'. (saheeh bukhari)
Secondly, memorizing the Quran is not a tedious task, like you think. Many Muslims have memorized it over the ages and continue to do so,Alhamdulliah.
Allah says in the “and indeed, We have made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember, then is there any that will remember.”(surah qamar)
JOHN: Thank you, Ahmed. You have helped clear the confusion within me to a good extent.

AHMED: I am happy I could be of help.
Just a pointer, the concept of abrogation shouldn’t be very difficult for you to comprehend. It has happened earlier too.
For example, Allah commanded Abraham to slaughter his son than repealed the command before it could be implemented.
Allah allowed Adam to marry his daughters to his sons, later he forbade this practice on the generations after him.

