A plea to the ladies coming for Jumuah

It seems like some ladies come for Jumuah only to police mother's with young kids. I say this with so much effect because while they are verbally intolerant to the presence of kids around, they are not much concerned with their actions during the khutbah. They twiddle with their thumbs, talk, put things in and out of their purses but seeing a kid around causes them to lose their cool, often  forgetting that mothers with kids are not less in need of coming to the masjid.
I am not standing in support of mother's with hyperactive unruly kids. And I know they can be a nuisance to the mother and those around. But for the normal lot who occasionally get off their places and murmur a bit, simply because their children.
There is no age limit set on when a mother should bring her kids to the masjid. But the behaviour of some ladies is absolutely atrocious. They yell and shout at mother's with infants like a scene right from the mental hospital, often forgetting themselves, the reason for getting all flared up.
The poor mother on the receiving end only wishes she could vanish into thin air or bury herself.
And all this is  a spectacle to witness.
What kind of message are we sending our youngsters- the houses of Allah are filled with horrid, wrathful ladies whose levels of intolerance has no measure.
Remember Rasoolullah, shortened his prayer when he heard the cry of a baby, to make it easy for the mother. Imagine, his concern was for the mother of the crying baby, even though there were 'Sahabas' praying behind him, whose Khusu levels are no match for ours.
What makes us think we are more entitled to visit the masjid then another woman or to stop someone from attending one?!
Mothers of young ones, please also ensure that your kids behave their best while they are at Masjid, and a little bit out of the ordinary can surely be tolerated.
