"What We Wish You Knew"

What Husbands wish their wives knew

1. When we give you our word to to fix the broken chair or carry out any errand , we do not mean to say that we will do it immediately, or the very next hour or the next week. We will do it , stop nagging us about it everyday.

2. When we are playing a game online and you cross between us and the screen, don't be surprised if we howl and scream or even kick. Nothing irritates us more than an obstruction in our path.

3. If we do not comment on your dish or dress, it means that its great. If we didn't like it, we wouldn't keep quiet about it.

4. We can cut down on all sorts of whites whenever we want, and restart whenever we please. We can go on a veggie diet over the weekend and make up for it greater than ever on the weekends. Do not question -when, why, how. We are very sensitive about our diets.

5.When we take you out to dine at a fancy restaurant, and you tell us that you can prepare the same dish exactly as it is and at a much lesser cost, it can make us very, very sarcastic.

6. We are not very good with verbal expressions of love. The thought that we may sound very cliche or cringe worthy, definitely holds us back. Don't ask us for reasons why we love you. We are so word dumb.

7. When it comes to ordering food, we are smart enough to make our own choices. Don't impose your choices over us.

8. We beg you, not to bring us mistakes of the past, we usually do not remember them, and were you to forge a  tale, it's likely that we may believe you.

9. Male ego is not a myth. Choose your words very carefully.

10. Do not ask us to meet the husbands of your friends. Awkward conversations disturb us greatly.

What wives wish their husbands knew

1. When we are talking to you, we expect that you listen attentively. Scrolling down your Instagram posts or checking your facebook  or the score does not count as listening attentively. We don't believe in multitasking here. When you suddenly awake in the midst of the conversation, and ask to repeat what we said, it agitates us.

2.We dress up to be noticed. Not batting an eyelid or uttering a nice word, is very offensive.

3. We do not like spontaneous plans at all, when it does not involve us. We may not have informed you, but we make many mental plans, when you suddenly decide to go with your friends, you have crushed all our plans.

4 Don't crib when we ask you to accompany us when we plan to visit any of our family. It is so upsetting.

5. We like to highly exaggerate and blow things out of proportion. Do not feed us logical solutions at that time. We may snap.

6. Being a stay at home mom doesn't mean that we are on forever holiday. When we ask for a break or a holiday, do not roll your eyes at us.

7. Don't surprise us with gifts like broomsticks and cleaning detergent.

8. We don't express this often, but your concern and efforts for the well-being of your family is overwhelmingly impressive.

9. Balancing between work and family life is very, very important.

10. Bringing your phone to bed is the most dangerous thing to our relationship. It creates walls and makes us feel ignored.

11. We are always in an emotional turmoil. This sucks up a lot of our energy. Hence, we need more sleep than you do.
