
Reflections on Divorce

There is a lot of stigma attached with divorce ,although in reality a divorce can be a means of respite from those marriages which have no means of healing. Sometimes , its better to break away from a bad marriage than to live in one. 

A divorce usually results from incompatibility or views that are too conflicting that have led the couple to incline towards hostility. Though other causes cannot be overruled , but the underlying cause is usually a personality clash. Two extremely good people can sometimes not stand each other because of extreme differences in personality. Divorce doesn't mean that one of the partner has been really bad. This is very clear from the ending of the marriage of  two beautiful companions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) -Zayd(Radiallahu Anhu) and Zainab(Radiallahu anha).

It doesn't mean that the couple were too weak to maintain the relationship, rather the marriage was taking a toll on the emotional and mental stability of the couple.
In the society we live, it takes real courage to say 'no' to a rotten marriage  and move away from it.

 Though divorce is the most hated thing in the sight of Allah, He has allowed it out of His mercy, as a means to end those marriages were  reconciliation is not possible. Divorce acts as a mercy as it provides an exit from a traumatic marriage which brings about more harm than good.

Divorce only comes after a person has exhausted all means of sustaining his/her marriage. It should be the LAST step , after all efforts to save the marriage have failed.
Build your marriages strong with bricks of mercy, love ,affection ,truthfulness and happiness.
