Here with you

'Here with you'  details the relationship shared between the husband, his wife and his mother and the complexities involved in balancing the relationship between the mother and the wife; the two most important women in a man's life. And also these two important generally being at loggerheads over sometimes trivial matters.
 The beauty of the book lies in the way the author very poignantly explores these relationships from all the three character's perspective - Faisal, Salma and Fatima  and gives you a beautiful insight of the emotions and feelings  of each character and how the thought processes of each character are so distinct and form a crucial part in their interaction with each other.
 Although being a daughter in law I was able to empathize with Salma, but my favourite character was Fatima, so full of conflict, she makes an endearing read. All she wants is not to become a typically tyrant mother in law. She frets over it but soon finds herself turning into just that.This character is beautifully portrayed, while reading her I could feel her pain. The pain she felt at her thoughts of sharing her son; her only son as she kept reminding herself.
 Even though she doesn't desire this to happen, her feelings of dissaproval start as early as when the young couple set out for their honeymoon, more so because of the emptiness that she feels has suddenly seeped into her life.
Faisal, the common factor between the two woman is a practical guy who tries his best balance between both his loves whilst putting up with his mother's complaints about his wife and his wife's frustration over his mother's treatment of her.
Umm Afraz makes it easy to reflect upon the  feelings of a mother in law, to understand them and appreciate them in new light.
There are things that Fatima does which are not pretty, yet you are able to feel sympathy for her. Her flaws are purely human and lovable .

The events before the marriage are described so cutely and take you down memory lane. The leg pulling stage,  that awkward first conversations and meet, the trying to get a glimpse stage and the exciting wedding preparation finally leading to the euphorically awaited day. The author has painted all these so well!
There are so many of those litte things that bring a smile to your face.

This book makes for a breezy read whilst imparting valuable values, the first being that the thought processes should always be kept in check.
I love how the author has weaved Islamic values into this piece of fiction whilst maintaining the humour in her piece.

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